Sunday, 7 July 2013

Airsoft M4a1 Guns Fro Airsoft War Gaming

Airsoft guns are modeled after real firearms. Manufacturers go to great lengths to achieve this realistic look and feel, from the gun dimensions to its external markings. Other manufacturers, such as Colt, which owns the rights to the M4 carbine, do not allow airsoft companies to use their name or markings. Airsoft guns can be divided into three distinct groups that are determined simply by how they are powered.
Spring models are airsoft guns that require you to pump or cock the weapon every time you fire it. The spring version is usually made of plastic and can fire from 150 to 350 fps depending on the spring design and the BB weight.
Gas airsoft guns are often used only once a round and are usually saved as a side arm or secondary weapon. The gas or C02 usually only lasts through the duration of the clip and a lot of the time your shots will not be accurate.
Electric airsoft guns are more powerful and usually the most accurate. Many electric guns come with a hop up system that allows you to lay down a consistent accurate line of fire until your clip runs out. These high-grade AEG's are usually made of metal, can fire upward of 450fps and are designed to perform under harsh conditions.
US Special Forces groups and the US Army Ranger Regiment use a carbine version of the M16A2 known as the M4 Carbine. The M4 has a shorter barrel and a collapsible stock for a noticeably more compact profile.
The M4A1 is a compact lightweight version of the M4 Carbine that features a detachable carry handle and flat top rail system for mounting accessories. The M4A1 Carbine is capable of full-auto fire.
The M4A2 is similar to the M4A1 but has a fixed carrying handle and is capable of safe/semi-auto/3-round-burst firing modes.
M4 MWS (Modular Weapon System). Colt Model 925 carbines were tested fitted with the Knight's Armament Corporation (KAC) M4 RAS under the designation M4E2, but this designation appears to have been scrapped in favor of mounting this system to existing carbines without changing the designation.
The M4A4 is virtually identical to the M4A1 except it utilizes a safe/semi-auto/3-round-burst firing mode instead of the A1's safe/semi-auto/full-auto.
The RIS in the M4RIS stands for Rail Interface System and is used to accommodate the SOPMOD Kit (Special Operations Peculiar Modification). The SOPMOD kit consists of a 4 X Day Scope, a Reflex Sight, a Visible Laser, an Infrared Pointer / Illuminator, a Visible Light, Backup Iron Sights, and a Forward Hand Grip.

1 comment:

  1. I think the best guns for an AEG team is either the airsoft AK47 or the M4. :[
